We, Research Section of Severe Storm and Extreme Weather, conducts a wide range of meteorological researches on extreme weather and environmental atmosphere that have spatial scales ranging from microscales to mesoscales, regional-scales, and up to continental-scales. This section specifically focuses on understanding the dynamics and mechanisms of extreme weather such as heavy rainfall and strong wind due to typhoons, extratropical cyclones, convective storms, tornadoes, and boundary-layer turbulence. We also investigate the fundamental processes of atmospheric turbulence, boundary-layer phenomena, and mesoscale disturbances that spawn extreme weather. Our research extends to the investigations for the Asian monsoon water cycle and also the extreme weather characteristics in future global-warming climates. Furthermore, we conduct research in the field of applied meteorology, such as airflows over urban and complex topography, atmospheric transport, desertification, and other environmental problems through collaborating with scientists and engineers in the related research disciplines. For these purposes, we conduct in-situ observations, satellite-data analyses, meteorological data analyses, and numerical modeling and simulations. By combining the various research tools, this section advances current understandings on severe storms and atmospheric environments.
Lab introduction at Meet KU Researchers

- Understanding physics and mechanisms for the genesis and development of tropical cyclones/typhoons, and processes related to the transition to extratropical cyclone. Assessing the impacts of typhoons on meteorological disasters.
- Understanding the physics and mechanisms for thunderstorms and mesoscale convective weather that generate severe local storms such as heavy rainfall, tornadoes, and downbursts. Assessing the impacts of severe local storms on meteorological disasters.
- Basic studies on atmospheric boundary-layer processes and processes related to land-atmosphere interaction and air-sea interaction.
- Development of computational weather models for atmosphere, ocean/wave, land-surface, and urban district.
- Studies on the variability of regional-scale environmental atmosphere for severe weather phenomena and Asian Monsoon.
- Analysis and numerical modeling of severe weather phenomena under future changing climate.