Research / 研究
Research fields / 専門分野
mesoscale and microscale meteorology, environmental fluid dynamics, atmospheric turbulence and dispersion, mesoscale convective systems, heavy rainfall, tropical cyclones/typhoons, tropical meteorology, mesoscale meteorological modeling, computational fluid dynamics modeling, engineering meteorology, applied meteorology, atmospheric environment, volcano-meteorology
I am studying mesoscale and microscale meteorological phenomena in which convection, turbulence, and advection play important roles. The research topics are the mechanisms and the environmental factors for the development and organization of precipitating convection/mesoscale convective systems, the physical processes of mesoscale disturbances and tropical cyclones/typhoons that spawn heavy rainfalls and gusty winds, numerical modeling of convection and turbulence, numerical modeling of turbulence over complex terrains and urban districts, and numerical simulations of atmospheric transport processes such as Asian dust and volcanic ash. I am also interested in the local-scale cumulonimbus and heavy rain and tropical cyclones/typhoons under global warming, and have been working on the impact assessment studies on meteorological hazards under global warming. The research interests extend to the application of meteorology to engineering fields